Home Learning
Home Learning at Moulsecoomb
We are leaping into the 21st Century and offering techno-based learning from home that will support our learning here at school. Here’s what you need to know…
Home Learning Platforms:

EYFS and KS1 teachers will be posting required work on the Tapestry Platform, accessible by website or downloadable app. Each family will get a link to activate their account and create log in credentials. Here you will find stories, lessons, and activities for your child to do at home, posted by their classroom teachers.
Click here for tutorials to get you started using Tapestry.
Google Classroom

KS2 teachers will be posting assignments on Google Classrooms. This will be the main hub for finding out required lessons, turning in assignments from home and communicating with their teacher and peers. They will also be organising class meetings via Google Meet from this site and will check in with the students daily, in case of a school or pod closure.
Click here for tutorials to get you started using Google Classroom.
Lexia Core 5 & Scholastic Reading Pro

KS2 teachers will also be checking LEXIA Core 5 work to monitor progress in grammar skills and Scholastic Reading Pro and Library to monitor reading comprehension progress.
Click here for tutorials to get you started using Scholastic Reading Pro and e-library
Additional Learning Websites:
We also encourage your children to log into their accounts for these websites regularly to keep their maths fluency in top form.
Click here for tutorials to get you started using Numbots or Times Table Rock Stars.
Log ins for each of these websites have been given to the kids and are being used at school but if they are lost, feel free to contact the Home Learning team at: homelearning@moulsecoomb.brighton-hove.sch.uk.
For your Information:
Home learning packs with printed work and resources and lap tops to borrow are available at our front office, if your child needs to self-isolate or we experience a school/pod closure. Call 01273 605700 to speak to reception.
Ways you can help:
- Ensure your child can access their learning pack, the internet, and learning platforms from home.
- Help them complete their required work assigned on Tapestry or Google Classrooms and do their daily work on Lexia and Scholastic Reading Pro.
- Encourage your child to log onto the additional learning websites above to practise their skills.
- Communicate with the school if you need assistance or have questions.
Homelearning@moulsecoomb.brighton-hove.sch.uk or call the office at 01273 605700