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School Meals
Our school meals are provided by Nourish. All food provided meets government nutritional standards, ensuring children are provided with a healthy balanced meal. You can learn more here and here.
School meals cost £2.47 a day and can be paid using the Parent Pay website. If you do not have login for Parent Pay please pop into the school office so we can get one for you.
There are three choices of meals per day, and a drink of water is always provided. Children order their choice once they arrive into the school dinner hall.
Packed Lunches
Alternatively your child may bring a packed lunch. It is important to provide a strong lunch box.
Drinks should be in an unbreakable flask or carton. All lunch boxes and flasks should be clearly labelled with your child’s name. No glass containers or fizzy drinks are allowed. No sweets, chocolate bars or nut products are allowed.
Children are NOT permitted to bring sweets to school.
Due to allergies, no NUT products are permitted.
NOTE: If a child forgets their packed lunch they will be given a school dinner and payment is requested the next day.
Break Time Fruit
KS1 are provided with fruit from the school.
KS2 children are encouraged to bring a piece of fruit in for break time.
Is your child entitled to free school meals?
Click here to check the Brighton & Hove City Council Website and see if you are eligible. Not only does your child receive a free meal everyday, the school also gets additional funding to support with their learning in class.
Children in Reception – Year 2 are entitled to free school meals under Universal Free School Meals Scheme.
If your child has particular dietary needs in terms of allergies or religious reasons, please let us know.